Countermotions and Election Proposals

Dear Shareholders,

below you will find counter-motions and, as the case may be, proposals for elections submitted by individual shareholders which relate to specific agenda items (“Countermotions/Nominations”). To the extent they are required to be disclosed, the motions and the reasoning behind them have been posted on the internet according to the sequence of their receipt without change and without verification by us. Therefore, the countermotions are only available in the German language.

You may support counter-motions below which are not marked with capital letters by voting “no” with respect to the related agenda item. Countermotions which do not merely reject resolution proposals by the Board of Managing Directors and the Supervisory Board, but aim at a modification of such proposals with regards to content will be marked with capital letters. You may support such designated countermotions/nominations by marking the relevant field with a cross or entering the counter-motion in the designated field of the respective authorisation or voting instructions form. Presumably, a resolution on these marked counter-motions will only be passed, if the proposal by the Board of Managing Directors and/or the Supervisory Board relating to the relevant agenda item does not receive the required majority.

The Board of Managing Directors and the Supervisory Board may comment on countermotions/nominations in more detail prior to or on the general shareholders meeting on 30 April 2024.

  • Countermotion by the Dachverband der Kritischen Aktionärinnen und Aktionäre on item 3 of the agenda (German only) PDF, 788.07 KB
  • Countermotion by Mr. Hans Oswald on item 3 of the agenda (German only) PDF, 698.54 KB
  • Countermotions by Mr. Hans Oswald on items 2,7,8 and 9 of the agenda (German only) PDF, 1014.46 KB
  • Countermotion by Mr. Hans Oswald on item 4 of the agenda (German only) PDF, 1.07 MB
  • Countermotion by Mr. Hans Oswald on item 6 of the agenda (German only) PDF, 1.13 MB