Share Buyback


The 2024 Annual General Meeting granted the Management Board the authorization to buy back up to 10% of the share capital. Therefore, it is possible to buy back up to 118,466,900 shares until 29 April 2029.
Basis for future Share Buyback programmes is our capital return policy.

Share Buyback 2025/I

The share buyback programme will commence after the reporting for the 2024 fiscal year and is expected to be completed by the Annual General Meeting in mid-May 2025.

Ad Hoc information as of 31 January 2025

Completed Share Buyback programmes

In the period from 7 June 2023 to 20 January 2025 three share buyback programmes with a total volume of €1,322 million were executed. A total of 106,526,431 shares were repurchased.

SBB Programme Number of shares Percentage of share capital1 Average price (in EUR) Purchased volume (in EUR)
2023 12,134,305 0.97% 10.0541 121,999,999
2024/I 55,554,320 4.48% 10.7965 599,789,998
2024/II 38,837,806 3.28% 15.4458 599,879,994
Total 106,526,431 12.4070 1,321,669,990

1) the quota “Percentage of share capital” is calculated for
– the Share Buyback 2023, on the basis of the shares outstanding as of 31/12/2022 (1,252,357,634 shares)
– the Share Buyback 2024/I, on the basis of the shares outstanding as of 31/12/2023 (1,240,223,329 shares)
– the Share Buyback 2024/II, on the basis of the shares outstanding as of 30/09/2024 (1,184,669,009 shares)



On February 15, 2023, Commerzbank AG has announced inter alia, that a share buyback programme is planned for Fiscal Year 2023 subject to the required approval. After having received the approval, on June 6, 2023 the Board of Management of Commerzbank AG has resolved to carry out a buyback programme of shares of Commerzbank AG (ISIN: DE000CBK1001) for a total purchase price of up to EUR 122 million.
The buyback via the Xetra-trading system of the Frankfurt stock exchange was carried out from June 7 through June 23, 2023. The total number of own shares purchased amounts to 12,134,305. This corresponds to a share of 0,97 % of the Banks´s share capital. The average price paid at the stock exchange was 10.05 EURO per share.
The purpose of the share buyback is the reduction of the share capital of Commerzbank AG. The repurchased shares of Commerzbank AG have been redeemed.

Ad Hoc information as of 15 Feb 2023
Announcement Pursuant to Art 5(1) Lit. A) of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 and Art. 2(1) of delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052 (Share Buy-Back Program 2023) 80.19 KB
Commerzbank successfully completes first share buyback programme
Date Number of purchased shares Percentage of share capital (1) Average price (in EUR) Purchased volume (in EUR) Details
07/06/2023-09/06/2023 3,208,539 0.26% 9.8299 31,539,761 week23
12/06/2023-16/06/2023 4,737,091 0.38% 10.0919 47,806,142 week24
19/06/2023-23/06/2023 4,188,675 0.33% 10.1832 42,654,095 week25
total 12,134,305 0.97% 10.0541 121,999,999

1) the quota “Percentage of share capital” is calculated for the Share Buyback 2023, on the basis of the shares outstanding as of 31/12/2022 (1,252,357,634 shares)

On January 9 2024, the Board of Management of Commerzbank AG has resolved to carry out a Buyback programme of shares of Commerzbank AG for a total purchase price of up to EUR 600 million.
The buyback via the Xetra-trading system of the Frankfurt stock exchange was carried out from January 10 through March 05, 2024. The total number of own shares purchased amounts to 55,554,320. This corresponds to a share of 4.48 % of the Banks´s share capital. The average price paid at the stock exchange was 10.796 EURO per share.
The purpose of the share buyback is the reduction of the share capital of Commerzbank AG. The repurchased shares of Commerzbank AG have been redeemed.

Commerzbank successfully completes share buyback of €600 million
Announcement Pursuant to Art 5(1) Lit. A) of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014
and Art. 2(1) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052 / (Share Buyback Programme 2024)
80.69 KB
Ad Hoc information as of 20 December 2023
Date Number of purchased shares Average price (in EUR) Percentage of share capital (1) Purchased volume (in EUR) Details
10/01/2024-12/01/2024 3,912,956 11.4988 0.32% 44,994,470 week2
15/01/2024-19/01/2024 6,736,113 11.1339 0.54% 74,999,348 week3
22/01/2024-26/01/2024 7,019,395 10.6843 0.57% 74,997,564 week4
29/01/2024-02/02/2024 7,029,685 10.6689 0.57% 74,999,258 week5
05/02/2024-09/02/2024 7,110,176 10.5482 0.57% 74,999,296 week6
12/02/2024-16/02/2024 7,017,365 10.6875 0.57% 74,998,202 week7
19/02/2024-23/02/2024 7,014,586 10.6919 0.57% 74,999,361 week8
26/02/2024-01/03/2024 6,940,180 10.8062 0.56% 74,996,857 week9
04/03/2024-05/03/2024 2,773,864 10.7452 0.22% 29,805,641 week10
total 55,554,320 10.7965 4.48% 599,789,998

1) the quota “Percentage of share capital” is calculated for the Share Buyback 2024, on the basis of the shares outstanding as of 31/12/2023 (1,240,223,329 shares)

On 04 November 2024 the Board of Management of Commerzbank AG has resolved to carry out a Buyback programme of shares of Commerzbank AG for a total purchase price of up to EUR 600 million.
The buyback via the Xetra-trading system of the Frankfurt stock exchange, and additionally via the multilateral trading systems Cboe, Turquoise and Aquis within the European Union was carried out from 07 November  2024 through 20 January, 2025. The total number of own shares purchased amounts to 38,837,806. This corresponds to a share of 3,28 % of the Banks´s share capital. The average price paid at the stock exchange was 15.45 EURO per share. The purpose of the share buyback is the reduction of the share capital of Commerzbank AG. The repurchased shares of Commerzbank AG will be redeemed.

Commerzbank completes share buyback of €600 m – Second tranche of up to €400 m applied for
Announcement pursuant to Art. 5(1) lit. a) of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 and
Art. 2(1) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052 / (Share Buyback Programme 2024/II)
113.14 KB
Ad Hoc information as of 04 November 2024
Commerzbank starts third share buyback programme
Date Number of purchased shares Average price (in EUR) Percentage of share capital (1) Purchased volume (in EUR) Details
07/11/2024-08/11/2024 1,403,700 16.0285 0.12% 22,499,200 week 1
11/11/2024-15/11/2024 3,792,010 15.8762 0.32% 60,202,582 week 2
18/11/2024-22/11/2024 3,880,241 15.7531 0.33% 61,125,648 week 3
25/11/2024-29/11/2024 6,635,184 14.4094 0.56% 95,609,153 week 4
02/12/2024-06/12/2024 5,635,289 14.8520 0.48% 83,695,257 week 5
09/12/2024-13/12/2024 5,113,970 15.1536 0.43% 77,494,828 week 6
16/12/2024-20/12/2024 4,617,673 15.4411 0.39% 71,301,974 week 7
30/12/2024-03/01/2025 1,619,061 15.6024 0.14% 25,261,267 week 8
06/01/2025-10/01/2025 3,064,972 16.3190 0.26% 50,017,241 week 9
13/01/2025-20/01/2025 3,075,706 17.1254 0.26% 52,672,844 week 10
total 38,837,806 15.4458 3.28% 599,879,994

(1) For the Share Buyback 2024/II, the quota “Percentage of share capital” is calculated on basis of the shares outstanding as of 30/09/2024 (1,184,669,009 shares)