Annual General Meeting

Commerzbank AG - Annual General Meeting 2024
Commerzbank's Annual General Meeting 2024 took place virtually on 30 April 2024.
Agenda and Explanations
Information relating to Agenda
Item 1 of the agenda
Item 4 of the agenda
Item 6 of the agenda
Voting results
Further Documents/Information
Video webcast
Privacy notice
Commerzbank AG - Annual General Meeting 2023
Commerzbank's Annual General Meeting took place virtually on 31 May 2023.
Agenda and Explanations
Information relating to Agenda
Item 1 of the agenda
Item 4 of the agenda
Item 6 of the agenda
Item 7 of the agenda

Information on the proposed candidates for the supervisory board

Items 8-10 of the agenda
Voting results
Further Documents/Information
Video webcast
Privacy notice
Commerzbank AG - Annual General Meeting 2022
Commerzbank's Annual General Meeting took place on 11 May 2022 virtually.
Agenda and Explanations
Further Documents/Information
Video webcast
Privacy Notice
Commerzbank AG - Annual General Meeting 2021
Commerzbank's Annual General Meeting took place on 18 May 2021 as a virtual general shareholder's meeting.
Agenda and Explanations
Documents relating to Agenda Item 6 (Resumes of the candidates for election to the Supervisory Board)
Documents relating to Agenda Item 7 (Conclusion of a Profit-and-Loss Transfer Agreement with CommerzVentures GmbH)
Financial Statements and Management Reports as well as Consolidated Financial Statements and Management Reports of Commerzbank AG for the business years 2018, 2019 and 2020:
Financial Statements of the subsidiary for the business years 2017, 2018 and 2019:
Further Documents/Information
Privacy Notice
Commerzbank AG - Annual General Meeting 2020
Commerzbank's Annual General Meeting took place on 13 May 2020 as a virtual general shareholder's meeting.
Agenda and Explanations
Resumes of the candidates for election to the Supervisory Board
Further Documents/Information
Privacy Notice
Commerzbank AG - Annual General Meeting 2018
Commerzbank's Annual General Meeting 2018 took place in Frankfurt/Main on 8 May 2018.
Agenda and Explanations
Resumes of the candidates for election to the Supervisory Board
Further Documents/Information
Commerzbank AG - Annual General Meeting 2014
Commerzbank's Annual General Meeting 2014 took place on 8 May 2014 in Frankfurt am Main.

Speech and presentation of Martin Blessing (in German)

Documents concerning items 8 and 9 on the agenda (amendments to corporate agreements)

The documents posted on this page are only available in the German language. The substantive content of the amending agreements is described in the Invitation to the Annual General Meeting.

1. Dokumente zu allen Änderungsvereinbarungen

Jahresabschlüsse und Lageberichte der Commerzbank AG

Konzernabschlüsse und Konzernlageberichte der Commerzbank AG

2. Weitere Dokumente zu den einzelnen Änderungsvereinbarungen unter TOP 8

a) CBG Commerz Beteiligungsgesellschaft Holding mbH

b) COLLEGIUM GLASHÜTTEN Zentrum für Kommunikation GmbH

c) Commerz Business Consulting GmbH

d)   Commerz Direktservice GmbH

e)   Commerzbank Immobilien- und Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH

f) Commerzbank Sponsoring GmbH

g) Histel Beteiligungs GmbH

h)   Commerzbank Inlandsbanken Holding GmbH

i) Service-Center Inkasso GmbH Düsseldorf

3. Weitere Dokumente zu der Änderungsvereinbarung zwecks Neufassung eines Gewinnabführungsvertrags mit der Atlas Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH (TOP 9)

Resumes of the candidates for election to the Supervisory Board

a) Shareholders representatives

b) Substitute member for the representatives of the shareholders